A people-oriented economy. A decentralized financial system.

Asset strategies, investments and effective protection against expropriation


With the Social Business Investors Club, you retain control over your assets and protect yourself from the ever-increasing restrictions on your entrepreneurial freedom.

The Social Business Investors Club stands for a just and decentralized financial world!

We are committed to helping investors and businesses take control of their capital and maximize their value creation.

Our community consists of investors, people-oriented companies and asset-oriented SBI investment advisors. A direct investment in real assets, independent of bank, fund or insurance solutions, creates freedom of choice and action.

On the one hand, the Social Business Investors Club offers financial education and training on all relevant financial topics. On the other hand, it provides comprehensive asset-oriented investment advice via its affiliated SBI investment advisors.

It's high time for Plan B!


Omid Manavi
CEO Manavi Capital


For freedom and democracy

The SME sector and the middle class guarantee freedom and democracy. The capital of private investors should flow to where it creates wealth and democracy for the population at large.

Social business investors are committed to a people-oriented economy and a decentralized financial system. Decentralized material assets protect against expropriation and create financial independence.

Plan B

What is your Plan B?

Assets are increasingly being expropriated under European and German regulations. High tax burdens result in reduced disposable income.

Our free Plan B video series will teach you step by step how to protect yourself from unfair expropriation.


Club Membership

Social Business Investor

Become part of our people-oriented and values-based community of Social Business Investors. Network with like-minded people and develop your financial money muscle. We are a vibrant club that wants to transform the world of finance. Returns and people orientation go hand in hand.

Ab 2024


Social Business Advisor

The future of financial advice is decentralized tangible assets and digital customer advice. Join our community and work from where and how you want. Live your dream.


Corporate Finance

SBI Finance

The traditional bank loan will be an exception for SMEs in the future. Decentralized digital financing solutions for companies are the future. Crowd investing with a dedicated financing portal is the future.

Register for free and find out how you can successfully implement your financing project.