
Your annual membership of the Social Business Investors Club

Dear investor,

Deine wichtigste finanzielle Weiterbildung 2023

I would like to address you with a personal message. This is not a sales pitch to sell you a product or service. It's a heart-to-heart plea for active participation 💚 to make the idea of the Social Business Investors Club fly - for all of us!

I am 57 years young or old, whichever way you look at it. I'm not interested in being rich. In the end, we all end up in a coffin with a white robe and everything remains in this earthly world. The question is, what do I leave behind, what do we leave behind as heirs?

As a financial analyst, I have the knowledge to implement this idea with my team. Without Social Business Investors, however, it is just a hollow shell of an idea. That's why we need you!

Over the last two years, we have invested all our energy, know-how and time in the Social Business Investors Club. Now the basic version of the vehicle for a people-oriented economy and decentralized financial system is ready.

You have the opportunity to watch the Plan Plan B campaign free of charge. Over four hours of packed information to help you better understand the "shark tank of the financial world". This will give you a first impression. You get a step-by-step guide to effectively protect yourself from expropriation.

Now we need your support as an active Social Business Investor. The ball is in your court.

The next step is not about me or you personally, i.e. the ego, but about the we and charity. And of course, together we will ensure that we all effectively protect ourselves from expropriation.

All Social Business Investors and fellow campaigners such as SBI Ambassadors or SBI Advisors must be financially independent. This is what our joint club and the community stand for. Let's be HeartRock!

The central question is, how do we want to leave our world to our children?

At the moment it looks like money rules over humanity and the 1% rich of this world can't get enough.

Billionaires like Bill Gates are buying up mountains, lakes and farmland because they know that material value is more important than monetary value. We now not only have to pay for water, electricity or heat, but now the air we breathe is also being taxed with the CO2 tax. With the 15-minute cities based on the Chinese model, people can be better monitored and controlled. I don't want that!

Digital money means that with every transaction, value creation remains with the bank. The automatism that the added value of money remains in the financial world means that the economy and thus our private assets are being hollowed out.

Financial independence for us citizens means preserving democracy and freedom. This is precisely what is under threat from the monopolization of markets and the cannibalization of the financial system by shadow banks such as BlackRock & Co.

Deine wichtigste finanzielle Weiterbildung 2023

The more we jointly invest in decentralized real assets and build a decentralized financial system that functions more independently of the traditional banks, the more we can counteract the current negative developments.

Financial education and a strong community are the basis for maintaining financial independence. Investing in decentralized material assets creates jobs that secure prosperity for many families for decades to come. The Social Business Investors Club offers you a solution for this.

Decentralized international tangible assets are more difficult to expropriate than share deposits in investment funds or savings deposits in banks. All you need to do is block electronic access.

Your annual membership

You invest less than €1 a day for your membership. A cappuccino alone costs €3.50 and up to €7.00 at Starbucks.

I'm sure you'll get your membership amount back several times over each year through "financial intelligence" alone. In my experience, my financial analyses have enabled many of my clients to increase their wealth without any additional effort through financial intelligence

For less than €1 a day you get:.

      Full access to the members area
      Networking with other Social Business Investors
      Worldwide network for your Plan B
      International investment and asset protection strategies
      Direct exchange with Omid Manavi and his team

What do we use your membership fee for?

On the one hand, we are constantly expanding the content of the member area. On the other hand, we invest your membership fee in the NFT marketplace for real assets in order to have a decentralized banking and investment platform that belongs to all of us.

As a member, we will keep you up to date so that you can see how well your membership fee is being invested.

I hope you're in!

Your Omid Manavi


Omid Manavi
CEO Manavi Sales


Plan B Video Course

In this video course you will learn how to effectively protect your assets from expropriation and loss of value.

      Three-part video series with a total of 4 hours of learning content (no download of the presentation)
      Free access
4 small invoices per year

Club Membership

Join our people-oriented and value-based community of social business investors.

All benefits of Plan B Video Course plus:

      Unlimited access to all content
      Unlimited participation in webinars
      Free participation in the Investor Days
      Exclusive access to private placements of real asset investments
      Telegram group with chat function to share ideas with other club members
Billed once a year – less than €1 a day!

Club Membership

Join our people-oriented and value-based community of social business investors.

All benefits of Plan B Video Course plus:

      Unlimited access to all content
      Unlimited participation in webinars
      Free participation in the Investor Days
      Exclusive access to private placements of real asset investments
      Telegram group with chat function to share ideas with other club members
You save 10%

One-time fee

Plan B Success Bundle

In addition to our Plan B Video Course, you will receive Omid's e-book, other brochures and exclusive lectures

All benefits of Plan B Video Course plus:

      Complementary videos to the Plan B series
      Written learning material
      E-book “Insights of a merchant”