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Watch our introductory video now


Start Your Career With the Social Business Investors Club


Then you've come to the right place!

We see ourselves as a broker pool for tangible assets that offers financial service providers and career changers a holistic business, marketing and service concept with the Social Business Investors Club:

        Continuous education and training
        Digital customer acquisition and retention as well as sales promotion for tangible assets
        Specialist support for customer retention and processing (e.g. financing service, expert discussions)
        Selected tangible assets with attractive commissions

    We do not broker insurance policies, shares, funds or other investments that require a license.

    We specialize exclusively in sustainable tangible assets such as photovoltaic investments, hydroelectric power plants, diamonds, rare earths, gold-silver deposits or NFT tangible assets – with no risk of cancellation. All you need is a simple business registration.

    Career changers can earn €2,000 to €3,000 per month in their first year. Experienced advisors can achieve a four to five-figure income. There are no upper limits. These are empirical values from our own practice. It's nice to combine a good income with great values!

    Download the career guide and watch our introductory video for financial advisors. Then make an online appointment with our team.


    SBI Ambassador

    Are you a career changer with no idea about finance and investments?
    No problem! Everyone starts small. We will take you by the hand and carefully guide you until you are a financial professional.

    Our training system is designed in such a way that the first step is to teach you how to acquire customers via social media. This will ensure you an income right from the start and you can continue your training to become a Social Business Advisor at your own pace.

    As an Ambassador, you have two options: you can either focus solely on marketing and leave the technical advice to the team, or you can train them further so that you can offer everything from a single source. You then build up your own team as an SBI Leader.

    Ab 2024

    SBI Manager

    Once your automated customer acquisition is successful, you can concentrate on customer support. You will support us with technical processing and get to know all processes and products in detail.

    In this phase, you will start to build loyalty among your customer base, who will recommend you to others.

    Register now

    SBI Advisor

    As an SBI Advisor, you are a financial professional. Ideally, you will supervise your small team, which will already be supporting you. You advise and support your clients independently and of course get expert advice and help when you need it. The SBI team is there for you and your customers.

    At this stage, you are an experienced SBI consultant who runs your own consulting company. And digitally from anywhere in the world. How does that sound to you?

    Register now
    Ab 2024

    SBI Leader

    As an SBI Leader, you have your own team and consulting company. Your job is to help other people achieve financial and professional success as an SBI Advisor. Be a "dream realizer" for your team!

    Register now